Complaints Procedure

We continuously strive to deliver an outstanding service and experience, but we understand that sometimes things can go wrong. We are committed to ensuring that concerns from anyone using our services are acknowledged, responded to, and that we learn from these to help us improve.

Our Complaints Policy document sets out our approach to receiving and responding to any complaints we receive from our Apprentices, Employers or Parents / Carers.

Download Complaints Policy

Serious man on laptop

We aim to resolve complaints quickly, fairly and effectively

With any complaint that we receive, we seek to:

  • Treat a complaint as a clear expression of dissatisfaction with our service which calls for an immediate response
  • Handle complaints promptly and, when appropriate, confidentially
  • Investigate all complaints in accordance with the agreed process, and in all cases, make strong and appropriate efforts to resolve any complaint to the complainant’s satisfaction
  • Put things right quickly for our customers when they go wrong
  • Keep our customers informed of the progress of their complaint and the results of any subsequent investigation
  • Learn from each complaint to improve future performance
  • Set performance targets for responding to complaints and monitor our performance against these targets
  • Advise our customers of their right to complain to an appropriate regulator or agency – such as the Education and Skills Funding Agency – if they remain dissatisfied after their complaint has been through all stages of our complaints procedure

Our Three-Stage Complaints Procedure Explained

Stage 1 - Informal

We recommend that complaints are dealt with informally wherever possible, so in the first instance please try to resolve any issues directly with the staff member concerned or another relevant staff member, for example Personal Tutor or Operations Manager with contact details you may already hold. If no contact details are held please email or call head office on 0800 783 2545.

If the staff member is unable to resolve the complaint, or it does not specifically relate to a particular person, your complaint should be raised with the relevant head of department who will investigate and respond to you directly. Please email  and they will pass on your complaint to the appropriate person.

A complaint must be escalated immediately to stage 2 where any part of it relates to:

  • Equality & Diversity
  • Safeguarding
  • Health & Safety
  • Prevent Duty
  • Radicalisation

Stage 2 – Formal

Complaints can only be escalated to Stage 2 if they cannot be resolved at Stage 1. Formal complaints should be submitted in writing by emailing To help the process please include your name, contact details, the facts supporting the complaint and reasons for escalation to stage 2.

If a complaint is raised by a Learner and/or Employer:

  • If the complaint is related to a learner the main advisor, usually the Personal Tutor, assigned to the learner must be informed.
  • If the complaint is regarding the main advisor, the Operations Manager needs to be notified
  • If the complaint is deemed as a Child or Vulnerable Adult Safeguarding issue, the Safeguarding & Welfare Manager must be advised as early as possible.
  • Where notification of the complaint is verbal, it must be followed with a written account provided either by the complainant or noted by the receiver. The main advisor will make a written account of the complaint, request a written account from the complainant (should the scenario require it), investigate, and establish the facts ready for agreement as to the most appropriate outcome.
  • The complainant will receive acknowledgment of their complaint within ten working days of receipt.
  • All formal/written complaints will be recorded on staff personnel files and held in confidence by the People Team.

If a complaint is raised by a Learner and/or Parent/Guardian:

  • If the complaint is regarding an employer, the Operations manager responsible must be notified, who will make a written account of the complaint, request a written account from the complainant (should the scenario require it), investigate and establish the facts ready for agreement as to the most appropriate outcome.
  • If the complaint is deemed as a Child or Vulnerable Adult Safeguarding issue, the Safeguarding & Welfare Manager must be contacted.
  • Where notification of the complaint is verbal, it must be followed with a written account provided either by the complainant or noted by the receiver. The main advisor will make a written account of the complaint, request a written account from the complainant (should the scenario require it), investigate, and establish the facts ready for agreement as to the most appropriate outcome.
  • The complainant will receive a formal acknowledgement of their complaint within ten working days of receipt.
  • All formal/written complaints will be recorded on the employer file and held in confidence.

Stage 3

If you are dissatisfied with the outcome of your complaint, you may appeal to our Chief Executive Officer (CEO) by emailing and marking your email for the attention of the CEO who will review your complaint with the objective of securing an independent, fair and reasonable outcome for you.

The decision of the CEO is then final. If you are still unhappy you can at any time raise your complaint with the ESFA Apprenticeship Service Support on 08000 150 600 or

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Should you complain?

If you are unhappy with the service you have received from Paragon Skills you are entitled to make a complaint, have it considered, and receive a response.

Who should I complain to?

Initially, your complaint should be made to your main advisor, for learners and employers this is usually the Personal Tutor. If the complaint is about your main advisor, please use this email address in the first instance

Can someone complain on my behalf?

Yes. If you give your consent a complaint can be made someone acting on your behalf.

How long will it take to settle my complaint?

You can expect to receive an initial response to your complaint, informal as well as formal, within 10 working days.


All complaints will be dealt with as quickly and efficiently as possible. The length of time it takes to settle a complaint will vary according to the gravity and/or complexity and the urgency with which it needs to be addressed.

Do I follow the complaints process if I am unhappy with an assessment decision?

We have an Appeals Procedure in place for you to follow if you are not happy with any assessment decision on work you have submitted. This is stored within BUD (your ePortfolio) and can be accessed by you at any time.

Please submit your details and a member of the team will be in touch shortly.


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