How to futureproof your business


Plan for tomorrow, today – future-proof your workforce

Now is the time to invest in your current workforce. Our teams understand what is important to your organisation and how apprenticeships can help to achieve your business goals. Our dedicated approach recognises each individual employers’ needs and enables us to deliver a unique apprenticeship solution that drives the maximum benefits for your organisation.

Training takes time and money

Training takes time and money, however, with government-funded training available, employers can now realise the of up-skilling their staff with apprenticeships. Paragon Skills work closely with learners and you to make sure they get the most out of their experience, their progress is tracked and involves your team at every step and achievement, through to the successful completion of their qualification and continued progression.

Why up-skill your employees?

  • It increases productivity and morale – motivated employees will engage more positively with your business
  • Improved customer experience – new knowledge, skills and behaviours to deliver the best possible service
  • Improved employee retention – future recruitment can be costly, so invest in further development to retain your employees
  • Be a market leader – your employees’ will be aware of the latest changes in the industry
  • Keep ahead of the competition – learning encourages ideas and innovation

Paragon Skills has been helping thousands of employers across the UK to up-skill their staff in a wide range of sectors and can offer you:

  • A dedicated Client Solutions specialist who will work with you to understand your business
  • The completion of a free ‘Organisational Needs Analysis’ to identify the most effective training options for your existing staff
  • A tailored workforce development plan specific to your business and sector
  • A blended learning approach to suit employees capabilities including on-the-job, mentoring, coaching, e-learning and off-the-job

All our learning programmes can be tailored to your business or sector.

Get in touch. Let’s get the conversation started!


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