What is safeguarding?
Safeguarding is about making sure that everyone can live free from harm and abuse. Safeguarding is everybody’s responsibility.
At Paragon Skills we educate our colleagues, our learners and the employers that we work with to enable them to act appropriately when it is identified that someone is at risk of harm or in need of welfare support.
Harm can come in many forms; our role is to educate all those that we come into contact with about how to spot harm and how to access help for a person at risk.
All our learners receive education throughout their programme to help them to identify risk and understand the steps that they can take to protect themselves and those around them. This is delivered via ‘includED’ activities which are embedded and delivered as a part of all apprenticeship programmes.
Our commitment to our learners
Paragon Skills is committed to providing effective safeguarding arrangements. We treat our learners with respect, intervene appropriately to protect them and provide them with a suitable social education.
Safe Environment
Providing a safe environment for all apprentices, ensuring appropriate procedures are in place and a safeguarding team is accessible.
Delivering sessions to our learners and employers regarding safeguarding, making them aware of what it is and how to tackle issues.
Ensuring that safeguarding is treated with priority and importance by employers, guaranteeing the safety and protection of our learners.
Taking the appropriate action where necessary to ensure our learners are safe within the workplace.
Ensuring that learners and employers know how to raise any safeguarding concerns that they are made aware of or identify.
Working with the appropriate people to ensure that the correct support is provided to our learners, in the event that it is required.
How should you report a safeguarding issue?
If you have any concerns then you should speak to the safeguarding officer in your company. If you don’t have a safeguarding officer then please report your concerns to Paragon Skills. Safeguarding concerns can be reported here (insert form link). Immediate risks of harm should be reported to the Police on 101, or in an emergency 999.
All reports are dealt with sensitively by a trained and dedicated safeguarding lead. When responding to safeguarding reports we will:
- Make efforts to gain more information surrounding the concern.
- Where relevant, inquire with other safeguarding professionals about historical information or ask them to seek out evidence.
- Take immediate action if we think that a vulnerable person is at risk; this will include involving agencies such as the Police or social services
includED – focusing on providing outstanding support
includED encompasses four main areas; Equality and Inclusion, Safeguarding, Prevent (addressing radicalisation and extremism) and E-safety. Our guide to includED has been developed to respond not only to statutory requirements; it also focuses on providing outstanding support to our learners.
Paragon Skills awarded Gold Standard Leaders in Safeguarding Award
We are delighted to share the fantastic news that Paragon Skills has recently been awarded the highest possible accolade by Leaders in Safeguarding with a Gold Award in Leaders in Safeguarding. This award recognises the exceptional support Paragon Skills has in place to support our learners and colleagues and keep them as safe as possible.
The Leaders in Safeguarding Quality Mark is an award that celebrates and supports achievement in highly effective and robust safeguarding arrangements. It is awarded to organisations in recognition of their provision, practice and commitment to keep children, young people and vulnerable adults safe. The award is valid for two years.